Training Evaluation


The process of examining a training program is called training evaluation. Training evaluation checks whether training has had the desired effect. Training evaluation ensures that whether candidates are able to implement their learning in their respective workplaces, or to the regular work routines.

Purposes of Training Evaluation

The five main purposes of training evaluation are:

Feedback: It helps in giving feedback to the candidates by defining the objectives and linking it to learning outcomes.

Research: It helps in ascertaining the relationship between acquired knowledge, transfer of knowledge at the work place, and training

Control: It helps in controlling the training program because if the training is not effective, then it can be dealt with accordingly.

Power games: At times, the top management (higher authoritative employee) uses the evaluative data to manipulate it for their own benefits.

Intervention: It helps in determining that whether the actual outcomes are aligned with the expected outcomes.

Process of Training Evaluation

Before Training: The learner's skills and knowledge are assessed before the training program. During the start of training, candidates generally perceive it as a waste of resources because at most of the times candidates are unaware of the objectives and learning outcomes of the program. Once aware, they are asked to give their opinions on the methods used and whether those methods confirm to the candidates preferences and learning style.

During Training: It is the phase at which instruction is started. This phase usually consist of short tests at regular intervals

After Training: It is the phase when learner’s skills and knowledge are assessed again to measure the effectiveness of the training. This phase is designed to determine whether training has had the desired effect at individual department and organizational levels. There are various evaluation techniques for this phase.

Techniques of Evaluation

The various methods of training evaluation are:

- Observation
- Questionnaire
- Interview
- Self diaries
- Self recording of specific incidents

Benefits of Training Evaluation

There are a number of reasons why organizations proactively monitor the effectiveness of employee education. These are:

- Helps employees to monitor their own improvement.

- Builds morale, by demonstrating an interest in staff development.

- To maximize the training ROI (return on investment).

- Helps to determine the form of future training programs.

- Assists with identifying the effectiveness of different forms of teaching (such as classroom based or web based).

Organizations that train but do not evaluate that training cannot be certain of its value, either to themselves or their employees.

2 Response to "Training Evaluation"

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