Need for training

Training and development can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an employee or group of employees, e.g.,:

- When a performance appraisal indicates performance improvement is needed

- To "benchmark" the status of improvement so far in a performance improvement effort

- As part of an overall professional development program

- As part of succession planning to help an employee be eligible for a planned change in role in the organization

- To "pilot", or test, the operation of a new performance management system

- To train about a specific topic

Topics of Employee Training

Communications: The increasing diversity of today's workforce brings a wide variety of languages and customs.

Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming a necessity for conducting administrative and office tasks.

Customer service: Increased competition in today's global marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers.

Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanation about how people have different perspectives and views, and includes techniques to value diversity

Ethics: Today's society has increasing expectations about corporate social responsibility. Also, today's diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values and morals to the workplace.

Human relations: The increased stresses of today's workplace can include misunderstandings and conflict. Training can people to get along in the workplace.

Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as Total Quality Management, Quality Circles, benchmarking, etc., require basic training about quality concepts, guidelines and standards for quality, etc.

Safety: Safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment , hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities, etc., but can also be useful with practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc.

Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment training usually includes careful description of the organization's policies about sexual harassment, especially about what are inappropriate behaviors

General Benefits from Employee Training and Development

- Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees

- Increased employee motivation

- Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain

- Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods

- Increased innovation in strategies and products

- Reduced employee turnover

- Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good reason for ethics training!)

- Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity training

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