
Vacancy triggers recruitment process

Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization

Recruitment process –

.. Identification of vacancy

.. Analyzing the vacant job

.. Applying the sources of recruitment (internal & external sources)

.. Screening of suitable resumes for interview

.. Initial interview with the candidates and shortlisting the suitable

.. Call candidates for further / final rounds of interviews

.. Selection of suitable candidates for the positions vacant

.. Complete the documentation process and verification

.. Issue offer letter

.. Perform the joining formalities

.. Recruit the personnel

.. Schedule induction programme for new joinees

.. Follow up of other HR activities

Sources of Recruitment –

(1) Internal sources

.. Internal job posting

.. Considering previous and current employees of the orgn.

(2) External sources

.. Employee reference

.. Application data bank

.. Advertising

.. Employment agencies

.. Schools & colleges

.. Job portals


.. Personal interview is the most universally used tool in any selection process

.. Generally, an employment interview will serve 3 purposes

Obtaining information – About prospective employees background, work history, education and interests

Giving information – About company, specific job and personnel policies

Motivation – It will also help in establishing a friendly relationship between the employer and the applicant and motivate the satisfactory applicant to want to work for the company or orgn.

.. But in reality, it is not so. It helps only in obtaining information about the candidate. The other 2 purposes are generally not served

Types of interviews –

.. Informal interviews

It is not planned and is used when labour market is tight and we need workers badly. Sometimes a friend or relative may take a candidate to the house of the employer, where this type of interview may be conducted.

.. Formal interviews

It’s a planned interview. This is held in a formal atmosphere in employment office with a well structured questions. Here the interviewer has a plan of action, time to be devoted to each candidate, modality of interview and so on.

.. Patterned interviews

A well planned interview with higher degree of accuracy and precision. A list of questions and areas is carefully prepared. The interviewer goes down the list of questions, asking them one after another.

.. Non-directive interviews

Under this type, the candidate is allowed to express his opinion freely.

Interviewer is a careful and patient listener, prodding whenever the candidate is silent. The purpose of the interview is to give the candidate, complete freedom to sell himself without encumbrances of the interviewer’s questions.

.. In-depth interviews

It is intended to mainly examine the candidate’s background and thinking and to go into considerable detail on a particular subject of special interest to the candidate.

.. Stress interview

This method will test the candidate and his conduct & behaviour by putting him under conditions of stress and strain. This is more advantageous type as it tests the behaviour of individuals under disagreeable and trying situations.

.. Group interview

The candidates response and reaction will be tested. Candidates will be given a topic for discussion and be observed as to who will lead the discussion, how reasonable their views are, how they react to other’s opinions and so on.

.. Panel interview
The members of interview board will conduct the interview. This is done usually for supervisory and managerial positions. It coordinates the collective judgement and wisdom of the members of the panel.

Suggestions for improving the effectiveness of interviews –

.. An interview should follow a definite time schedule with ample time for

.. The interview should be conducted in a calm and cool atmosphere

.. Interview should have necessary elements of privacy

.. The interview should not lead a mental tension and stress and should avoid arguments

.. Attention should be paid not only to the communication skills (if the job requirement can be satisfied with average of it), but also the managerial abilities and attitude

.. A panel should conduct the interview avoiding exhibiting their individual talent before other members, which causes inconvenience to the candidate

.. The interviewee should be informed about the method and maximum time in getting result

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